Section outline
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Sylvère ANDRE
Aquatic litter data scientist
With a master’s degree in analytical chemistry followed by a PhD in spectroscopy and chemometrics during which he studied in situ and real-time monitoring of cell bioprocesses by Raman spectroscopy, Silvère André joined Cedre’s Research Department in March 2019.
In August 2019, he joined Cedre’s Aquatic Litter team to manage and analyse all the data acquired by the French beach litter monitoring programme for the MSFD. In this respect, he collects, formats, analyses and validates beach litter data and designs tailor-made annual assessments for each active site of the programme.
Silvère André is also in charge of formatting and transferring data for national and European databases, providing with good knowledge and a comprehensive overview of all the data acquired for the MSFD and the OSPAR Convention. In this respect, he supports Cedre’s action in the co-leading of the OSPAR Beach Litter Expert Group.
With a solid expertise in data analysis, he carries out assessments of beach pollution by marine litter in terms of quantity, composition and evolution over time at different geographical scales.
In addition to this work within the Aquatic Litter team, Silvère André also supports the activities of other departments at Cedre, for which he carries out various statistical studies.
Engineer in the Analysis and Resources Department
Fanny JOUANNIN joined Cedre's Analysis and Resources department in February 2020, as engineer. She is involved in:
- the evaluation of pollution response equipment and techniques, by taking part in project management, experimental work, exploiting results and writing study reports for the Analysis and Resources department;
- the training and research activities, and since January 2024 she is in the Cedre's Emergency Response Team, as an appointed Duty Engineer;
- international conferences and working meetings.
Before joining Cedre, Fanny worked for 3 years in the nuclear safety, and more specifically on flood risks in French nuclear power plants.
Senior engineer in Research Department
2015- 2020, Operational Dept. as member of the first-line duty officers’ team.
2014 – Present, Senior engineer in Research Department
· Same activities as below (see 2003-2013);
2003 – 2013, Engineer in Cedre’s Pollution Follow-Up Department
· specialised in marine biology/ecology, more specifically responsible for studies related to environmental impact assessment of spills on marine and coastal environments, and recommendations in this field;
· technical advisor as regards to shoreline clean-up activities and impact assessment;
· involved in Cedre’s various activities, more specifically in charge of: feedback from oil spills, in France and abroad, in particular as part of an ongoing technological monitoring approach; the establishment of a database of oil and chemical spills having occurred worldwide (marine and inland waters);
· also takes part in workshops, conferences and studies (feedback, state of the art, etc.) focusing on specific spills, response themes or techniques;
1997 – 2003, Research activities
· Both as PhD student and as a contract-funded researcher at the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM ; Brest/Plouzané, France)
Engineer in oil behavior and impact assessment
With a PhD applied to the physical speciation of iron in open ocean and its interaction with phytoplankton, Fanny Chever pursued a 18-month post-doc working on the use of isotopic tools (HR-ICP/MS and MC-ICP/MS) for a better understanding of the marine iron cycling (IUEM, Brest, France and WHOI, Woods Hole, MA, USA).
With her experience in analytical chemistry she worked for nearly 5 years in oceanographic laboratories in France, Australia and United Kingdom to improve knowledge of iron cycling in the oceans. She developed a strong expertise in the field of analytical development dedicated to trace metals. She gained experience working on different matrices (water, particles, hydrothermal fluids, sediments, riverine samples and biological tissues). In the frame of international scientific programs, she participated in 3 scientific expeditions of 7-9 weeks in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, where she acquired strong field experience in extreme conditions. She also gained teaching experience, being a lecturer within the Chemistry Department of the University of Western Brittany (UBO, France) for 4 years during her PhD.
She then joined the Analysis and Resources Department at Cedre in June 2015. She is involved on a regular basis as a chemist in the Analysis and Resources Department. She works on laboratory and pilot scale tests to study the behaviour and fate of oil spilt at sea. She is also involved in identifying the origin of oil pollution incidents and has developed an expertise in the various processes that affect fingerprints. She is also involved as lecturer in training courses including chemical specialty for civil servants as well as industry. She is a member of Cedre’s Emergency Response Team since January 2017, as an appointed Duty Engineer.
Engineer in the Research Department
Laura Cotte holds a PhD in Marine Chemistry focused on the chemistry of metals in the hydrothermal fluid-seawater mixing of deep-sea hydrothermal vents (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). During her PhD, she improved her skills in Electrochemistry and analytical chemistry, in particular in the field of analytical development dedicated to trace metals. She participated in 2 scientific expeditions of 3 weeks in the Atlantic Ocean, where she acquired a strong field experience. She also worked for 5 months in a research laboratory in Croatia (Ruđer Bosković Institute, Zagreb).
Once her PhD received, Laura Cotte pursued her carrier as a European project manager at the ‘Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique’ and then at ‘Shom’ until 2021.
With her dual expertise in Marine chemistry and EU-project management, she joined the Research Department as a chemical engineer in March 2021. Up to now, she has been mainly involved in the administrative and technical management of the MANIFESTS EU-project co-ordinated by Cedre. She is also in charge of conducting lab testing and pilot-scale experiments in order to better understand the short-term behaviour of volatile chemicals (evaporation kinetics, solubilisation, etc.) as well as the risks associated with the evaporation of such substances.
Hired on a permanent contract in September 2022, she will be soon involved in:
- Cedre's cross-disciplinary activities, particularly in training courses and in Cedre’s Emergency Response Team, as an appointed Duty Engineer;
- The writing of research proposals in response to national and international calls for tender and the management of scientific projects;
- The characterisation of the pollutant’s distribution in the environment towards the development of analytical protocols adapted to emerging molecules.
Engineer within Studies and Training Department
As a graduate in geomorphology and coastal planning with multidisciplinary training, Loïce Dagorn chose to specialise in the marine environment and coastal ecology. The various positions he has occupied have helped to make him a versatile engineer and provided him with field experience. He contributed to the response to coastal oil pollution from the Erika spill as a shoreline clean-up team leader, and during the Prestige spill, on board on a French Navy supply recovery vessel.
In May 2001, Loïce joined Cedre, where he was initially a trainer, then very soon integrated the Contingency Planning team. He is in charge of providing marine pollution assistance to the French authorities and producing contingency plans for oil companies and harbours, both in France and overseas (West Africa, Indian Ocean, etc.). He also organizes and conducts various training courses at Cedre and on sites.
His professional diving certificate and his boating experience mean that he is also called upon to organise and run trials conducted at sea by Cedre, or as part of Polmar Sea exercises, or even in the case of real-life spills at sea.
Loïce has also provided technical support in the field, at sea and on the shoreline, and within command centers during a number of moderate and large spills.
Analysis and Resources Department Technician
Since 2015: Recruited as a technician in equipment testing, training and experimental devices, Nicolas is in charge of:
- maintenance (mechanics, electricity, fluids) of infrastructures and equipment used for training;
- contribution to the improvement of Cedre’s experimentation capacity, in particular through the modification, improvement or design of devices;
- design and conduct of on land or at sea equipment tests and experiments;
- logistical preparation and technical support for the practical exercises and training courses run for Cedre’s private and public partners and clients;
- participation in all operational response assignments carried out by Cedre both in France and abroad;
- drafting of technical documentation (specifications, technical drawings, instructions, trial logbook, etc.) during the design of experimental devices.
William GIRAUD
Engineer at the Research department
Assigned to the Research Department since 2021, William works on experimental and bibliographical research aimed at improving knowledge of the behaviour and fate of substances spilled in surface waters. He is studying innovative ways to better detect and mitigate the impact of pollution, particularly by chemical products. He actively participates in technological monitoring in his field of expertise and promotes his knowledge at national and international conferences. As a first-line duty officer, he also provided technical assistance following the rupture of a diesel pipeline, a flooding episode, the grounding of the Grande America, the fire at the Normandie Logistique/Lubrizol plant and the grounding of the Wakashio. Before joining the Research Department, William was part of the Studies and Training Department since 2014 where he used his teaching skills or training courses for French authorities and administrations or private operators; he also wrote environmental emergency plans.
With a university education in physico-chemical process engineering and analytical chemistry, his scientific research profile was completed by a PhD thesis on the physico-chemical study of the wood-wine interface during barrel weathering for a cooperage holding company. His experience in instrumental development, especially valorised by a patent application, was completed by an experience as a research engineer at the French Scientific Research Centre (CNRS) to contribute to the development of an electrochemical sensor for the in-situ detection of nutrients. He also had an experience at the CEA in Grenoble on the development of chemical sensors for water analysis.
Research Engineer within the Operations Department
After environmental training including several experiences in public and private sectors in the field of Land Planning and the Environment, Vincent Gouriou joined Cedre in 1999 as a research engineer specialised in geomatics and decision support tools. He invests his environmental knowledge in the various projects intended to improve and develop Cedre’s operational IT tools (GIS – Geographical Information Systems, cartographic data servers, modelling, operational meteo-oceanography).
He is involved in several projects in the field of modelling and operational data management, including a comparison study on operationnal oil spill models (commercial and institutional models) in order to improve the French's oil spill response capacity data management, NETMAR (European project aiming to develop a European maritime and shoreline information system), ARGEPOL (development of a web mapping tool for archiving and managing data on marine spills affecting the French shoreline) and MEDESS-4-MS (project aimed at improving preventative measures for oil spills at sea and to minimise their impact through the use of forecasting and decision-making tools).
From 2009 to 2017, he was a first-line duty officer within the Emergency Response team.
Arnaud GUÉNA
Deputy Director, Production Manager
After a basic education in marine biology, military service at Cedre, and a specialisation in hydrobiology, Arnaud Guéna joined the Cedre Training Department in February 1999. He was appointed Head of the Training Department in 2001.
In 2014, he was appointed as the Studies and Training Department Manager, in charge of Cedre’s engineering projects (training, contingency planning, audits). In this role, he designed, organised and conducted various training courses and developed contingency plans for French of foreign administrations, oil industry, national or international private shipping or oil companies.
In 2016, he was promoted to Deputy Director in charge of the Cedre’s global production management. He is now in charge of co-ordinating the research, tests, training, contingency planning and documentation activities conducted by Cedre.
Arnaud Guéna also manages both national and international projects relating to the pollution of inland and marine waters: EU twinning projects designed to assist various Eastern European and African countries to improve their response preparedness, EU/DG-ECHO projects which aim to improve response preparedness and capacities in European and Mediterranean countries.
He has also gained hands-on experience in crisis management and response techniques through his involvement in response operations in the wake of oil spills in inland and marine waters in France (i.e. Erika, Prestige, breach of a 13500 m3 tank, TK Bremen, Lubrizol, etc.) and abroad (Madagascar, Lebanon).
Analysis and Resources Department Manager
As a chemical engineer, Julien Guyomarch joined Cedre in 1997, where he specialised in oil pollution, developing specific chemical analysis methods (gas chromatography, low and high pressure liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, etc.) and pilot scale tests to study the behaviour and fate of oil spilt at sea.
He has also developed expertise in identifying the origin of hydrocarbon pollution, which involves studying the various degradation phenomena on oil fingerprints, and is a member of the European network and working group Osinet (Oil spill identification network). This expertise has been applied to the various large-scale spills Cedre has been involved in (Prestige, TK Bremen, Tricolor, etc.), for one-off field mission abroad (Solar I, Philippines), and more regularly, for the various arrivals affecting the French coastline..
In addition, he has developed various methods for the quantitative analysis of target molecules in various matrices (water, sediment, biological tissue) using innovative techniques, and, as such, is involved in water quality monitoring studies within the framework of the WFD (European Water Framework Directive).
For the past ten years, he has also supervised projects to evaluate equipment that can be used in the event of accidental pollution at sea or on the coast, and more recently, various studies to characterize the performance of hydrocarbon detection technologies (oil-sensitive cables, ponctual detection, multi-phase probes, etc.).
He has been the Analysis and Resources Department Manager since 1st January 2014.
Anne ILY
Head of Information Communication Department
Nicolas JARRY
Analysis and Resources Department Technician
Since 2015: Recruited as a technician in equipment testing, training and experimental devices, Nicolas is in charge of:
- maintenance (mechanics, electricity, fluids) of infrastructures and equipment used for training;
- contribution to the improvement of Cedre’s experimentation capacity, in particular through the modification, improvement or design of devices;
- design and conduct of on land or at sea equipment tests and experiments;
- logistical preparation and technical support for the practical exercises and training courses run for Cedre’s private and public partners and clients;
- participation in all operational response assignments carried out by Cedre both in France and abroad;
- equipment audits for external clients,
- drafting of technical documentation (specifications, technical drawings, instructions, trial logbook, etc.) during the design of experimental devices.
Chemical Engineer
Having studied marine chemistry, Ronan Jézéquel joined Cedre in 1997 for a long term voluntary internship which subsequently granted him access to a postgraduate course in Marine Chemistry. Ronan Jézéquel was first enlisted by Cedre in December 1999 as a conscript, before joining the team in October 2000 as a PhD student, then as an employee in October 2003.
Ronan Jézéquel works for the Research Department, within which he is in charge of studies on the medium and long term behaviour of heavy oils. The different experiments (laboratory-based and in situ) which he has overseen have enabled him to acquire a certain expertise in the chemistry of oil and more specifically in analysis techniques demonstrating oil weathering processes.
In addition to his work as a research engineer, Ronan Jézéquel has also been a member of the Emergency Response Team since July 2007 as a first-line duty officer. Since 2010, he has regularly contributed to training courses run by Cedre: speaker on themes relating to oil and chemical behaviour in the event of a spill in the marine environment.
Engineer in Analysis and Resources Department Member of the duty team
After a University Diploma in Mechanics and Production Science followed by a University Diploma of Technological Versatility, Mikaël Laurent acquired an initial 3-year professional experience as a Health and Safety Manager within a company positioned as the world’s leading supplier of aluminium smelters.
He later chose to take a break from his professional activity in order to graduate as a General Engineer, with a major in “Risk & Environmental Management” in 2005.
He joined Cedre in 2005, initially to contribute to a study focusing on a practical method for corrective response to accidents involving spills of hazardous substances in the aquatic environment for use by the French emergency services. He became a member of Cedre’s Training Department in July 2005 and was involved mainly in organising practical and theoretical training sessions. He also dealt with practical data sheets and educational documents for Cedre’s private and institutional clients.
He became a member of our Spill Follow-Up Department in September 2008 where he is in charge of oil spill response equipment assessment and technology intelligence.
Since joining Cedre in 2005, he has participated in several response missions in the field.
In January 2014, Mikaël joined the Analysis and Resources Department.
In January 2016, he became a member of the emergency response duty team.
Engineer at the Research Department
Thomas Le Bihan holds a PhD in macromolecular chemistry with a strong interaction with biology. During his PhD, he worked on the synthesis and studies of intricate molecules aimed at the detection and treatment of cancer. He has also worked in a research laboratory at the National Energy Corporation of South Africa (NECSA, Pretoria) and performed a preclinical evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals, which included the handling of radioactive material and small animals for research purposes.
In April 2021, Thomas LE BIHAN joined the Cedre as a chemical engineer. Since then, he has been involved in several projects aimed at better understanding the behavior of pollutants (oil, gas, and chemicals) in the aquatic environment. In these projects, he has developed experimental protocols and techniques to follow oil and gas particles in the water column and also the dissolution of HNS in case of a spill from a wreck. He is closely affected to the development of experimental setup that enhanced the capacity of Cedre to determine the behavior and fate of gas, oil and chemicals in the environment.
With a formation as an organic chemist, Thomas LE BIHAN has developed expertise in apprehending the behavior of various substances which cover organic compounds, metals and radioactive material. With a PhD subject closely related to medicine, he has also developed skills in biology which is an asset for the studies of impact of pollutant on the acquatic fauna.
Stéphane LE FLOCH
Senior Scientist – Head of the Research department at Cedre
01/01/2014 to Present, Senior Scientist – Head of the Research department at Cedre
Since 2008 : French representative at the GESAMP working group on the Evaluation of the Hazards of Harmful Substances Carried by Ships (GESAMP/EHS).
01/01/2005 - 31/12/2013, Senior Scientist - Research Department at Cedre
· Coordinator of the HNS activities
· Coordinator of the biological research which aim of assessing the environmental impact of pollutants and to define the ecotoxicity of substances in accordance with OSPAR regulations
· Business or sector Non-profit making association
01/06/2000 - 31/12/2004, Junior Scientist – Emergency Department & Research Department at Cedre
· Research Department: in charge of research projects on the behaviour of HNS at sea
· Emergency Department: Duty officer
· Business or sector Non-profit making association
01/06/1998 – 31/05/2000, Junior Scientist – Elf Petroleum Norge - Acted on behalf of the Elf Petroleum Norge (Norway)
· Coordinator of research programs on the fate of oil and HNS at sea
· Coordinator of environmental monitoring programs (impact assessment of a pollution on marine organisms)
· Business or sector Private Company
01/10/1995 – 31/05/1998, Junior Scientist – Research Department at Cedre
· Fate of oil at sea and on the shoreline
· Response techniques (dispersant, recovery, bioremediation)
· Business or sector Non-profit making association
Emergency Response Coordinator
Agronomic engineer, specialised in Halieutics (activities related to the sea), having lived in expatriation with her family in the Maghreb, Anne LE ROUX participated in studies in the field of fisheries before joining Cedre in 1995, to contribute to studies, feedbacks, drawing up of handbooks, contingency plans and above all training and advice to authorities in case of a spill
She has been involved in a regular basis, as a designer, organizer and teacher in many training courses, in France and abroad, for civil servants as well as the industry.
She also participated in international projects aiming at improving the quality of contingency planning and reinforcing the response capacity of various States or regions.
From 1999 to 2009, she was a first-line duty officer in the emergency response team that advises on oil and chemical spills response and, as such, provided technical advice to authorities during several dozens of emergency situations.
She also regularly participates, on the field or in command centres, in response to medium and major spills.
Since April 2016, she is Emergency Response Coordinator
Analysis and Resources Department Technician
After training as a naval mechanic, Jérémy Legout worked on pleasure craft, fishing boats and larger vessels such as submarines.
He joined Cedre in 2011, and his main mission is the logistical preparation and supervision of practical exercises organised during training courses held at Cedre (10 to 12 per year with oil). It is responsible for the maintenance and development of all the response equipment available at Cedre, as well as the management of consumables and response products. Commercial relations with the various spill response equipment manufacturers are also part of his remit.
Jérémy Legout's skills are also put to good use in testing equipment and piloting boats during sea trials. He also acts as a technical advisor in the event of accidents.
Nicolas LOAEC
Analysis and Resources Department Technician
After a number of experiences in logistics and mechanics, Nicolas joined the Cedre team in 2015.
His main tasks are to look after the maintenance of the equipment and part of the infrastructure. He is also involved in the many practical phases of the training courses, helping to prepare the technical platform, supervise the trainees and fit out Cedre's new showroom.
He contributes to the preparation of equipment tests and trials at Cedre's facilities and has also taken part in field experiments in the Arctic environment.
Christophe LOGETTE
Christophe LOGETTE has spent most of his career in the French Navy. His assignments have led him to develop his skills in crisis operations and management, in international relations, as well as his skills as a manager. The last ten years of his career in the French Navy were devoted to the coastguard function in all its dimensions.
His various assignments led him to sail for several years in the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, and the China Sea. He was also posted to Djibouti, French Polynesia, London and the Antilles. In addition to taking part in numerous military operations, he was directly involved in several major crisis management operations: most recently, he was involved in the liberation of the hostages on the cruise ship Ponant off the coast of Somalia, the management of the consequences of hurricanes Irma, José, and Maria on the island of Saint Martin and the Lesser Antilles, and the sinking of the vessel Grande America in the Bay of Biscay.
Recruited at the end of 2021, he took office as Director of Cedre on 17th January 2022.
Head of Studies and Training Department
As an industrial environmental engineer by training, Natalie Monvoisin took part in studies in the field of water and soil management and pollution before joining Cedre in 2002. Joining Cedre’s response team in 2003, she was heavily involved in on-land response to the oil spill caused by the tanker Prestige and assisted technical advisor to the authorities and municipalities.
After 9 months working abroad, in Hungary, as part of a European project, aimed at conducting a feasibility study and drafting a development plan for a national spill response training centre, Natalie had the opportunity to confirm her adaptability to coordinate European projects, as Cedre’s project manager of INTERREG III and IVB (EROCIPS and ARCOPOL) which aimed to enhance collaboration between countries of the Atlantic area on marine pollution themes. Then she joined the Contingency Planning Department and, in 2014, the Studies and Training department, she was appointed Head of in 2016. In this role, she is in charge of Cedre’s engineering projects, conducts audits and draws up response plans, designs and organises the training offer (face-to-face and digital) and manages various training courses for French or foreign administrations, oil industry, national or international private companies worldwide.
She has gained hands-on experience in crisis management and response techniques through her involvement in response operations in the wake of oil spills in inland and marine waters in France (i.e. Prestige, Rokia Delmas, MSC Napoli, pollution of the Loire estuary in 2008, TK Bremen, pollution following a pipelines rupture in France in 2016 and 2019, oil spill from the non-nuclear part of a nuclear plant in 2022) and abroad (response in mangroves, Africa in 2013). She was also a member of Cedre’s Emergency Response Team between 2009 and 2018, as an appointed Duty Engineer.
Since 2018, she has also been in charge of coordinating Cedre's international cooperation actions.
Marine PAUL
Environmental Engineer
With a Master’s degree in geography (Coastal Environment Expertise and Management), Marine Paul joined Brittany’s Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing (DREAL) as “Coastal Zone and Marine Environment” officer, then went on to SHOM, the French Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service, where she worked on the geographical data analysis and processing in the Litto3D® department.
Marine joined Cedre’s Research Department in August 2019 to work on the topic of “aquatic litter” and in January 2021, joined the Aquatic Litter Monitoring and Studies Department. With solid expertise in geomorphology and a good knowledge of marine litter public policy implementation at national and international levels (MSFD and regional seas conventions), she is in charge of overseeing the French beach litter and estuary litter monitoring networks for the MSFD: environmental approach to monitoring (site surveys, geomorphological analysis), follow-up for operators (meetings, written, telephone discussions and training), mapping of the activities of these networks (monitoring data results) and drafting reference documents (actions assessment, reference protocol, etc.).
Marine is also involved in other national and European projects on aquatic litter (work on means of recovering floating and stranded litter on the coast, in river and in port areas; inventory of initiatives, measures and actions to reduce marine litter in the Atlantic area, etc.).
Meanwhile, Marine participates in Cedre's other activities. She provides cartographic support, participates in the updating of the "response means" database, as well as in various projects. She is a member of Cedre’s Emergency Response Team since 2021, notably as a first line duty engineer. She is also involved in Cedre's training activities under the responsibility of the Study and Training Department. She has given presentations on topics related to aquatic litter (presentation given during a training course for port agents and fishermen). Thanks to her skills in geomorphology, she also gives lectures on the recognition of polluted sites and on shoreline clean-up techniques (lectures and exercises given during an IMO 2 training course - Martinique). She also participates in ORSEC/POLMAR exercises.
She participates in various training courses (“accidental oil pollution at sea and on the coastline”; “accidental oil pollution in inland waters»; «Marine Pollution Response Staff”), in order to be able to go on a spill responses intervention if necessary, in particular thanks to its expertise in geomorphology.
Florence PONCET
Expert in accidental water pollution. Coastline response and impact assessment
Trained as a biogeographer and in environment management, Florence Poncet worked in a consulting firm for 15 years where she was in charge of the environmental studies unit with activities in France and abroad. In particular, she was involved in Amoco Cadiz spill trial as technical expert on environmental damage assessement on the shoreline and restoration measures. Meanwhile, she acquired teaching experience in the fields of geography, the environment and landscapes, as a lecturer at Brittany’s School of Architecture.
She joined Cedre in January 2002 in the aftermath of the Erika oil spill in which she participated as an environmental expert for the regional agency of the Ministry of the Environment.
Since joining Cedre she has participated in all aspects of the activities of the Center, impact studies, guide formulation, training sessions in oil pollution, contingency planning, various field response operations in France and abroad, in which her ecological experience gives her the capability to ensure that the methods and equipment selected will be perfectly adapted to the particularities of the environment concerned. She is a member of the Research Department where she works as a research engineer and technical adviser in coastal spill response and impact assessment, especially in vegetated areas.
In January 2004, she joined the Emergency Response Team as first-line duty officer.
Maryline PORHEL
Engineer within Studies and Training Department
Maryline Porhel trained at the ENSI engineering school in Bourges, where she acquired a strong general knowledge of industrial risks and specialised in environmental risks, allowing her to deepen her knowledge of waste, environmental law and regulations, and chemical risks.As part of her studies, Maryline carried out a two-month internship at Cedre in 2007 on a project focusing on the “impact of acid/base pollution in sea water and freshwater”.
In 2008, Maryline Porhel joined an environmental engineering office specialising in polluted sites and soils, where she managed numerous technical and environmental projects in the field of chronic or accidental industrial pollution of the subsoil as a design engineer and then project manager. This experience gave her a strong knowledge of pollutants, the functioning of hydrological and hydrogeological systems, as well as the various techniques for treating polluted soils. These projects were also the opportunity for her to manage and supervise diagnostic and remediation work sites and to better understand the associated difficulties in terms of safety, technical aspects and logistics.
Meanwhile, Maryline also developed skills in the quantitative evaluation of health risks related to subsoil pollution, offering her a good understanding of the dangers and behaviour (toxicity, exposure routes) of chemical substances.
In September 2021, Maryline joined Cedre, and more precisely the Studies and Training Department. As such, she participates in the design, organisation and management of the training offer (face-to-face and digital) and takes part in projects: conducting audits, drafting response and contingency plans for French or foreign administrations, oil industry, national or international private shipping or oil companies worldwide.
Emmanuelle POUPON
Engineer within Studies and Training Department
{mlang en}With a Masters degree in Population Biology and Ecology, Emmanuelle Poupon completed an internship with an expert belonging to the “Erika” environmental assessment group and obtained a postgraduate diploma in “Natural resources and environment” in September 2000. She joined Cedre in March 2001 and was initially in charge of producing CD-Roms on the Erika and the Ievoli Sun incidents. In July 2002, she joined the Contingency planning team, then the Training Department in 2010, before the latter became the Studies and Training Department in 2014.
As coordinator within Cedre of POLMAR-Terre response preparedness actions (assistance to the French authorities for contingency planning and training), she is also in charge of producing several pollution contingency plans for port and oil companies (refinery, oil storage, offshore field), both in France and abroad (Gabon, Guinea, Senegal, Congo). She also designs, organises and conducts various training courses for government, local authorities and private sector personnel in France and abroad.
She also participates in international projects aimed at improving the quality of emergency planning and at developing pedagogical tools and training actions.
She is part of Cedre's on-call team and has gained hands-on experience in crisis management and response operations through her involvement during several medium and large-scale accidents.[mlang}
Nicolas TAMIC
Deputy manager – Head of Operations Department
Nicolas Tamic has a maritime professional background based on a solid experience in the field of State action at sea within which he has worked for many years. Graduated as a lawyer and specialized in maritime security and crisis management, his professional qualifications and experience have enabled him to hold numerous positions of responsibility as a high-ranking officer in the French Navy.
His assignments have led him to exercise his skills in France and overseas, both within operational units and organic structures, notably in staffs and in interministerial agencies.
He also was appointed as commanding officer of a marine rifle unit in charge of protecting the main French strategic oceanic force communications center.
Motivated by new horizons and challenges, with solid operational experience, he is fully committed to a professional transition process which has enabled him to join Cedre in 2018 as Operations Manager and Deputy Director.
Engineer in the Research Department
Agathe Tromelin holds a double Master's degree in International Ecology and Environmental Management from the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec. This professional background has enabled her to acquire skills not only in the global functioning of ecosystems and the major environmental issues and challenges of our time, but also in project management.
As part of her studies, Agathe completed two internships. The first took place in Mexico and focused on assessing the health of coral reefs in a region of south-eastern Mexico. It mainly involved developing a sampling protocol, collecting data in the field and analyzing and discussing the results obtained. The second was in Rimouski, Quebec, in the Environment Division of the Quebec ministry of Transport. There, Agathe held the position of environmental activity manager, supporting the various engineers in a variety of tasks such as data entry for road projects, environmental impact studies for development projects, regulatory monitoring and analysis, and field data collection.
After these enriching experiences, both from a professional and a personal and cultural point of view, Agathe decided to cross the Atlantic again and returned to Brittany for good in the summer of 2020.
She found a job with the French Navy's Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service, where she worked for 2 and a half years as a technician processing topographic and bathymetric Lidar data as part of the European Litto3D® programme.
Finally, Agathe joined Cedre in July 2023 as a junior engineer in the Research team. Her missions mainly focus on assessing the impact of pollutants on the environment.